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75. 3 Piezas para Orquesta Juvenil (2014)
3 Pieces for Youth orchestra) (duration ca.14')

1-Allegro Giocoso
3-Kyrie (con coro a 2 voces / with a children's choir, 2 voices)

48. FIESTA DE CONTRAPUNTO (2004) ca. 25’
Choral symphony for large mixed choir and symphonic orchestra

Texts by anonymous authors and Paul Desenne, based on popular Venezuelan songs recorded by Quinteto Contrapunto in the 1960s
-Glosas de la puerca
-Gaban estretoconao
-Scherzo con yopo

Simón Bolívar Orchestra and the Orfeón Universitario UCV and other Caracas choirs, conducted by Alfredo Rugeles


3(III=picc).3(,IV=Bss).3(III=ctrbsn)- timp.perc(4):snr/toms(med.sml)/pdlbss tom/cyms (med.crsh)/rim/tgls/tamb/claves/güiro/cwbls(s.m.l)/wdbls(L.s)/tmpl bls/tamboras (lrg & sm wood rimmed toms)/conga/timbales/quitiplás (bamboo sticks: high pair & low)/culo'e puya (2 long slim drums)/tin plate-vibraphone-harp-large mixed choir (s.a.t.b)-cuatro (Venezuelan guitar) 1 to 6 players-strings ( minimum)

Commissioned by FESNOJIV, the Venezuelan Youth Orchestra Foundation
Premiered at Aula Magna at the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) in Caracas in July 2005 by the Simón Bolívar Orchestra and the Orfeón Universitario UCV and other Caracas choirs, conducted by Alfredo Rugeles

46. CANTATA MAQROLL (2003) ca. 20’
For tenor voice, flute, soprano saxophone, violin, cello and piano in seven movements

Song cycle on texts by Alvaro Mutis and Belisario Betancur

Commissioned by the Festival de Artes in Cali, Colombia

Cantata for tenor, baritone, narrator, chamber orchestra, and traditional Venezuelan instruments including diatonic harps, bandola, cuatro, maracas, Afro-Venezuelan percussion
Texts by Alberto Arvelo Torrealba

-El Reto

Camerata Criolla and Ensamble Gurrufío from their CD El Reto with William Alvarado, narrator and baritone / Argenis Sánchez, tenor / Francisco Pacheco, baritone

fl, ob, cl, bass cl, bsn, alt sx, Fr hr, trp, tbn, 2 perc (quitiplás, congas, bombo, wb, cwbl, toms), maracas, string orchestra (minimum 2 stands of 1st vlns; amplified acoustic bass), Venezuelan instruments: harp, bandola, cuatro

Commissioned by Camerata Criolla and Ensamble Gurrufío
Premiered at the Teatro de Teresa Carreño in Caracas in December 2003 by Camerata Criolla and Ensamble Gurrufío, conducted by Manuel Hernández Silva

© 2017 created by Carmen Marulanda - - - MA, USA 

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